Instructional Technology, Professional Development

Introducing the NEW CleverLive Store

A new and better experience for using apps on your Boxlight and Clevertouch displays.

Important Announcement: We are Transitioning from CleverStore to CleverLive Store

This is to inform you that CleverStore is being replaced by the new and improved CleverLive Store! The CleverLive Store brings a simplified experience and all your favorite educational apps to your interactive displays and signage.

Here’s everything you need to know:

Which Panels Will the CleverLive Store Be Available On?
The CleverLive Store will be available on the following panels:

  • ProColor 3, MimioPro 4, MimioPro G*, Impact Plus 1, Impact Plus 2, Impact 1, Impact 2, Impact Max, Impact Max 2, Impact LUX
  • *The original CleverStore was not included on the MimioProG. The new CleverLive Store will need to be installed separately.

Do I Need to Register to Download from the CleverLive Store?
You do not need to register to download apps from the CleverLive Store.

What Do We Recommend?
To ensure you have the latest updates, we recommend re-downloading apps like Chrome and LYNX from the new CleverLive Store (note: this does not apply to EDLA displays such as the MimioPro G and IMPACT LUX).

What Happens to My CleverStore and Content?
Any apps previously downloaded from CleverStore will remain on your display. If they are inadvertently deleted, they will need to be re-installed from the CleverLive Store.

Are All the Same Apps Available in the New CleverLive Store?
Yes, all the same apps will be available in the CleverLive Store.

Will Apps Installed from CleverStore Continue to Work?
Yes, apps installed from CleverStore will continue to work seamlessly, however, you will need to download updates from the CleverLive Store.

Will Apps Installed from CleverLive Be Available on All Panel Profiles?
Apps installed from the CleverLive Store will be available on your current panel profile.

Will My Account and Information Be Deleted?
The current version of CleverStore will be removed. All data and user information associated with accounts registered on will be deleted.

How Do I Get the CleverLive Store?
By the end of 2024, all ProColor 3 and MimioPro 4 displays currently using CleverStore will receive an over-the-air (OTA) update, replacing CleverStore with the CleverLive Store. Clevertouch displays should have received this OTA update.

Customers who use the NDMS OTA tool to deliver remote updates to their panels may have the OTA added to their NDMS account by request.

I Can’t Wait Until the Holiday Break to Get the New CleverLive Store. What do I do?
NDMS Users can install the CleverLive Store from their NDMS account. It has been loaded onto the list of Packages available to all Boxlight accounts.

If you do not use NDMS, contact us for access to the CleverLive Store for side-loading onto your panels.

Can I Block Access to the CleverLive Store?
Yes, you can disable access to the CleverLive Store via NDMS if you wish to prevent it.

Can I Use Both the Google Play Store and CleverLive Store Together?
You can use the Google Play Store and the CleverLive Store on the same panel.

The first time you run CleverLive Store, you will be prompted to allow the app to install applications onto your panel. This is a standard Android security protocol. Once enabled, the CleverLive Store may take a minute to sync content before running the first time, depending on the speed of your internet connection.

We are excited for the updates and hope you enjoy the new and improved CleverLive Store experience. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Customer Care.

This is to inform you that CleverStore is being replaced by the new and improved CleverLive Store!

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