imact plus display on a blue background with triangles and a banner saying 'Clevertouch technologies by Boxlight' across the bottom


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55" 4k  |  65" 4K  | 75" 4K | 86" 4K

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So much more than an Interactive Touchscreen

Designed by teachers, for teachers, IMPACT Plus is more than just an interactive touchscreen, it delivers a truly intuitive and collaborative experience. Make lessons extraordinary with the new IMPACT Plus.

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Why IMPACT Plus?

Powerful and feature-rich

IMPACT Plus is designed for today's classroom.

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Teacher using impact plus with the stylus

Award-winning Displays

Clevertouch has won multi-global awards their Education solutions.

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Seamless Integration

Flexible solutions to suit your space and needs

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Teacher using excel on an impact plus with the stylus
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