Ron Clark Academy
Innovative Science Education at Ron Clark Academy Using Labdisc All-in-One Science Lab

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Innovative Science Education at Ron Clark Academy Using Labdisc All-in-One Science Lab
Rolling Out the Clevertouch Signage Solutions for UK Ministry of Defence
Clevertouch Making Next-Level Technology Available for Green.DNA
Students in Rural Village Takes a Huge
Step into the Tech World
A Five-Year Investment of Exceptional
Clevertouch Technology
Investing in World Class Technology
Adding a new dimension of engagement
with MimioTeach
MimioClassroom transforms a teacher and his students
Expanding instruction to new heights with Mimio
MimioClassroom gives Haysville students every
opportunity to excel
Jal Public Schools is located in Lea County in rural southeastern New Mexico. The
district currently enrolls approximately 400 students in grades K-12.
In the Billings Public Schools (BPS) district, the largest district in the state of Montana,
each school can decide which interactive technology its teachers prefer to use